Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I was in a Sacramento Bee article today!

Warm Hugs Design was featured in an article today and my picture is on the front page of Section D! Niesha Lofing, the article writer meet me a year ago during one of my Foothill Farmers Market Association's farmers market and said she had been waiting for an opportunity to include me in a story. She thought I'd be perfect for this article. It's a wonderful article - so inspiring for crafters especially in this economic time and full of great info. I'm so excited and just wanted to share...

Use the web address below to read the article.



Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Wow, Pam! That's wonderful! I just read the article and it was great. Though it should have been only about you, in my opinion. LOL! That's so exciting. Good for you!
Patricia :o)

Warm Hugs Design said...

Hi Patricia, you are too kind. So many exciting things happening right now. I'm so grateful for all the blessings.

Warm hugs,

fabriquefantastique said...

Oh Pam...must have missed this as we only have dial up at the cabin.....thats great, imagine how much a paid ad would be, hundreds $$$ I bet.

Warm Hugs Design said...

Thanks Jan, it was very special and you know little crafters like me don't have the $$$ to advertise - so even better!